Magic_RB 9bf5aa7a27
Even more koy stuff
Signed-off-by: Magic_RB <>
2021-11-25 21:47:24 +01:00

3.3 KiB

Evil Mode

Evil is an extensible vi layer for Emacs. It emulates the main features of Vim, and provides facilities for writing custom extensions.

This requires general.el.

  (use-package evil
    :straight t
    (setq evil-want-keybinding nil)

    (defvar magic_rb-koy-compat-p t "Whether k-o-y layout compatibility should be active.")

    (define-minor-mode magic_rb-koy-evil-mode
      "Enable koy compatibility for Evil."
      :lighter " koy"
      :keymap (make-sparse-keymap)
    (add-hook 'evil-mode-hook 'magic_rb-koy-evil-mode)
    (add-hook 'evil-local-mode-hook 'magic_rb-koy-evil-mode)

      :prefix "SPC"
      :states '(normal motion visual)
      ""  nil
      "t" 'evil-window-left
      "r" 'evil-window-up
      "n" 'evil-window-down
      "s" 'evil-window-right

      "T" 'evil-window-left
      "R" 'evil-window-up
      "N" 'evil-window-down
      "S" 'evil-window-right

      "Y" 'treemacs
      "y" 'treemacs-select-window
      "a" 'treemacs-switch-workspace
      "A" 'treemacs-edit-workspaces

      "v" 'vterm
      "m" 'magit

      "h" 'org-agenda
      "i" 'org-roam-node-find
      "ä" 'org-roam-capture
      "," 'org-roam-buffer-toggle

      "o" 'lsp-execute-code-action)

    :after (general)
    (:states '(motion normal visual)
             :predicate 'magic_rb-koy-compat-p
             :keymaps 'magic_rb-koy-evil-mode-map
             "t" 'evil-backward-char
             "r" 'evil-previous-visual-line
             "n" 'evil-next-visual-line
             "s" 'evil-forward-char
             "h" 'evil-find-char-to
             "j" 'evil-replace
             "k" 'evil-search-next
             "l" 'evil-substitute)
    (:states '(insert)
             :predicate 'magic_rb-koy-compat-p
             :keymaps 'magic_rb-koy-evil-mode-map
             "j" (general-key-dispatch 'self-insert-command
                                       :timeout 0.25
                                       "j" 'evil-normal-state))
    (setq evil-respect-visual-line-mode t)
    ;; :q should kill the current buffer rather than quitting emacs entirely
    (evil-ex-define-cmd "q" 'kill-this-buffer)
    ;; Need to type out :quit to close emacs
    (evil-ex-define-cmd "quit" 'evil-quit)
    ;; save and close buffer
    (defun liu233w/ex-save-kill-buffer-and-close ()
    (evil-ex-define-cmd "wq" 'liu233w/ex-save-kill-buffer-and-close))

  (use-package evil-collection
    :straight t
    :after (evil vterm)
    (evil-collection-init 'vterm)
    (defun evil-collection-vterm-escape-stay ()
      "Go back to normal state but don't move cursor backwards.
      Moving cursor backwards is the default vim behavior but
      it is not appropriate in some cases like terminals."
      (setq-local evil-move-cursor-back nil))

    (add-hook 'vterm-mode-hook #'evil-collection-vterm-escape-stay))

  (use-package evil-surround
    :straight t
    :after evil
    (global-evil-surround-mode 1))