#+begin_card NixNG :link "https://github.com/nix-community/NixNG" :image "/icons/nix-ng-greener-no-gradient.svg" A NixOS derivative with simpler design, currently replacing systemd with runit, aiming to deliver lighter systems and containers. #+end_card #+begin_card dotfiles :link "https://git.sr.ht/~magic_rb/dotfiles" :image "/icons/file-dotfiles.svg" Set of Nix files and other configuration files, which define my every past, present and future system. Including a Raspberry Pi 3, a complex SuperMicro server, a laptop and in the future many more. Also contains definition for a multitude of NixNG containers. #+end_card # dont add links, nesting :( #+begin_card website :link "https://git.sr.ht/~magic_rb/website" :image "/icons/favicon-512x512.png" The repository from which this website is built. It utilizes a =org-thtml= and =org-special-block-extra= to turn Emacs into a pretty good static website generator, complete with unparalleled syntax highlighting thanks to =emacs-htmlize= and =modus-themes=. #+end_card