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406 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoFieldSelectors #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Snake
import SDL.Video qualified as SDL
import SDL.Video.Renderer qualified as SDL
import SDL.Input.Keyboard qualified as SDL
import SDL.Init qualified as SDL
import SDL.Vect qualified as SDL
import SDL.Event qualified as SDL
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Extra (whileM, whenM)
import Data.IORef
import Effectful
import Effectful.State.Static.Local
import SDL (($=))
import SDL.Image qualified as SDLI
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=), (%=))
import Foreign.C
import Effectful.Reader.Static
import Data.Vector.Storable qualified as SV
import System.Random
data Point = Point Int Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Square = Square Point Point
deriving (Show, Eq)
scalePoint :: Int -> Point -> Point
scalePoint scale (Point x y) = Point (x * scale) (y * scale)
addPoint :: Point -> Point -> Point
addPoint (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = Point (x1 + x2) (y1 + y2)
directionOpposite :: Direction -> Direction
directionOpposite direction = case direction of
East -> West
West -> East
North -> South
South -> North
directionToPoint :: Direction -> Point
directionToPoint direction =
case direction of
East -> Point 1 0
West -> Point (-1) 0
North -> Point 0 (-1)
South -> Point 0 1
clampPoint :: (Int, Int) -> Point -> Point
clampPoint (width, height) (Point x y) = Point x' y'
x' = clamp x width
y' = clamp y height
clamp coord size =
case coord of
coord | coord < 0 -> size + coord
coord -> coord `rem` size
pointToSquare :: Int -> Point -> Square
pointToSquare scale point@(Point x y) = Square (scalePoint scale point) (Point scale scale)
pointToV2 :: Integral i => Point -> SDL.V2 i
pointToV2 (Point x y) = SDL.V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)
squareToRectangle :: Integral i => Square -> SDL.Rectangle i
squareToRectangle (Square (Point x y) (Point width height)) = SDL.Rectangle (SDL.P (SDL.V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y))) (SDL.V2 (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))
data Direction
= East
| West
| North
| South
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Snake
= Snake
{ head :: Point
, body :: [Point]
, direction :: Direction
, growth :: Int
deriving Show
[ ("head", "head")
, ("body", "body")
, ("growth", "growth")
, ("direction", "direction")
] ''Snake
data WorldState
= WorldState
{ snake :: Snake
, apple :: Maybe Point
, gameOver :: Bool
deriving Show
[ ("snake", "snake")
, ("apple", "apple")
, ("gameOver", "gameOver")
] ''WorldState
data GameState
= GameState
{ run :: Bool
, pastWorldStates :: [WorldState]
, worldState :: WorldState
, frameNumber :: Int
, reverseTime :: Bool
deriving Show
[ ("run", "run")
, ("pastWorldStates", "pastWorldStates")
, ("frameNumber", "frameNumber")
, ("worldState", "worldState")
, ("reverseTime", "reverseTime")
] ''GameState
initialWorldState :: WorldState
= WorldState
{ snake
= Snake
{ head = Point 2 0
, body = [ Point 1 0, Point 0 0 ]
, growth = 0
, direction = East
, apple = Nothing
, gameOver = False
initialGameState :: GameState
= GameState
{ run = True
, pastWorldStates = []
, worldState = initialWorldState
, frameNumber = 0
, reverseTime = False
data GameConfig
= GameConfig
{ gridDimensions :: (Int, Int)
, updatesPerSecond :: Int
deriving Show
[ ("gridDimensions", "gridDimensions")
, ("updatesPerSecond", "updatesPerSecond")
] ''GameConfig
(.=) :: State s :> es => ASetter s s a b -> b -> Eff es ()
l .= b = modify (l .~ b)
{-# INLINE (.=) #-}
(%=) :: State s :> es => ASetter s s a b -> (a -> b) -> Eff es ()
l %= f = modify (l %~ f)
{-# INLINE (%=) #-}
(%.=) :: State s :> es => Lens s s a b -> (s -> b) -> Eff es ()
l %.= f = modify (\s -> l %~ const (f s) $ s)
{-# INLINE (%.=) #-}
:: Snake
-> Eff es (Point, SDL.Rectangle CInt)
renderHead snake = do
let scale = 20
let texture = case snake.direction of
East -> Point 0 0
West -> Point 1 1
South -> Point 0 2
North -> Point 1 2
pure $ ((texture,) . squareToRectangle . pointToSquare scale) snake.head
:: (Reader GameConfig :> es)
=> Snake
-> Eff es [(Point, SDL.Rectangle CInt)]
renderSnake snake = do
let scale = 20
pure $ map ((Point 1 0,) . squareToRectangle . pointToSquare scale) snake.body
:: ()
=> Point
-> Eff es (Point, SDL.Rectangle CInt)
renderApple apple = do
let scale = 20
pure $ ((Point 0 1,) . squareToRectangle . pointToSquare scale) apple
:: (Reader GameConfig :> es, State Snake :> es)
=> Direction
-> Eff es ()
moveSnake direction = do
dims <- asks @GameConfig (\s -> s.gridDimensions)
newLength <- gets @Snake \snake ->
if snake.growth > 0 then
length snake.body
length snake.body - 1
body %.= \snake -> snake.head : take newLength snake.body
Main.head %= (clampPoint dims . addPoint (directionToPoint direction))
growth %= \growth ->
if growth > 0 then
growth - 1
pure ()
:: (State GameState :> es)
=> Direction
-> Eff es ()
changeDirection dir = do
lastDirection <- gets @GameState (\s -> (Prelude.head s.pastWorldStates).snake.direction)
when (dir /= directionOpposite lastDirection) $ (worldState . snake . direction) .= dir
:: (State GameState :> es)
=> Bool
-> Eff es ()
setReversed r = do
reverseTime .= r
:: (State GameState :> es)
=> Eff es ()
promoteWorldState =
pastWorldStates %.= (\state -> state.worldState : state.pastWorldStates)
:: (State GameState :> es, Reader GameConfig :> es, State StdGen :> es)
=> Eff es ()
eatApple = do
(worldState . apple) .= Nothing
(worldState . snake . growth) %= (+) 3
:: (State GameState :> es)
=> Eff es Bool
isGameOver = do
gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.snake.head `elem` s.worldState.snake.body)
:: (State GameState :> es, Reader GameConfig :> es, State StdGen :> es, IOE :> es)
=> Eff es ()
step =
gets @GameState (\s -> s.reverseTime) >>=
True -> do
gets @GameState (\s -> s.pastWorldStates) >>= \case
[] -> pure ()
[a] -> pure ()
_ -> do
worldState %.= \s -> Prelude.head . tail $ s.pastWorldStates
pastWorldStates %= \s -> tail s
False ->
gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.gameOver) >>= \case
False -> do
get @GameState >>= \state -> execState state.worldState.snake (moveSnake state.worldState.snake.direction) >>= (.=) (worldState . snake)
snakeHead <- gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.snake.head)
gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.apple) >>= \case
Just apple | apple == snakeHead -> eatApple
Nothing -> genApple
_ -> pure ()
whenM isGameOver $ do
(worldState . gameOver) .= True
liftIO . putStrLn $ "Game Over"
True -> pure ()
:: (IOE :> es)
=> SDL.Renderer
-> SDL.Texture
-> (Point, SDL.Rectangle CInt)
-> Eff es ()
renderSprite renderer texture (textureRect, rect) = SDL.copy renderer texture (Just (SDL.Rectangle (SDL.P (scalePoint 512 textureRect & pointToV2)) (SDL.V2 512 512))) (Just rect)
:: (State GameState :> es, IOE :> es, Reader GameConfig :> es)
=> SDL.Renderer
-> SDL.Texture
-> Eff es ()
render renderer texture = do
SDL.rendererDrawColor renderer $= SDL.V4 255 255 255 0
SDL.clear renderer
snake <- gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.snake)
snakeSprites <- renderSnake snake
mapM_ (renderSprite renderer texture) snakeSprites
gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.apple) >>= \case
Just apple -> renderApple apple >>= renderSprite renderer texture
Nothing -> pure ()
renderHead snake >>= renderSprite renderer texture
whenM (gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.gameOver)) $ pure () -- show text, but sdl_ttf sucks
SDL.present renderer
:: (State StdGen :> es)
=> (Int, Int)
-> Eff es Int
randomRange range =
get @StdGen <&> uniformR range >>= \(a, g) -> put g >> pure a
:: (State GameState :> es, Reader GameConfig :> es)
=> Eff es [Point]
getFreeSpaces = do
snakeBody <- gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.snake.body)
snakeHead <- gets @GameState (\s -> s.worldState.snake.head)
(width, height) <- asks @GameConfig (\s -> s.gridDimensions)
[0..(width * height)] & map (\i -> Point (i `rem` width) (i `div` width)) & filter (\point -> snakeHead /= point && point `notElem` snakeBody) & pure
:: (State GameState :> es, Reader GameConfig :> es, State StdGen :> es)
=> Eff es ()
genApple = do
freeSpaces <- getFreeSpaces
appleIndex <- randomRange (0, length freeSpaces - 1)
(worldState . apple) .= Just (freeSpaces !! appleIndex)
pure ()
main :: IO ()
main =
= SDL.defaultRenderer
{ SDL.rendererType = SDL.AcceleratedVSyncRenderer
= SDL.defaultWindow
{ SDL.windowInitialSize = SDL.V2 400 400
= GameConfig
{ gridDimensions = (20, 20)
, updatesPerSecond = 1
bracket (SDL.initialize [ SDL.InitEvents, SDL.InitVideo ]) (const SDL.quit) $ \_ ->
bracket (SDL.createWindow "Snake" windowConfig) SDL.destroyWindow $ \window ->
bracket (SDL.createRenderer window 0 rendererConfig) SDL.destroyRenderer $ \renderer ->
initStdGen >>= \rng ->
SDLI.loadTexture renderer "textures/atlas.png" >>= \texture ->
runEff . runReader gameConfig . evalState initialGameState . evalState rng $ genApple >> promoteWorldState >> whileM do
SDL.rendererScale renderer $= SDL.V2 1.0 1.0
-- SDL.rendererViewport renderer $= Just (SDL.Rectangle 640 480)
events <- SDL.pollEvents
forM_ events \(SDL.Event _ payload) -> case payload of
SDL.KeyboardEvent (SDL.KeyboardEventData _ motion repeat (SDL.Keysym _ code modifier)) ->
case code of
SDL.KeycodeQ | motion == SDL.Pressed -> modify (run .~ False)
SDL.KeycodeEscape | motion == SDL.Pressed -> modify (run .~ False)
SDL.KeycodePeriod | motion == SDL.Pressed -> changeDirection North
SDL.KeycodeA | motion == SDL.Pressed -> changeDirection South
SDL.KeycodeH | motion == SDL.Pressed -> changeDirection West
SDL.KeycodeE | motion == SDL.Pressed -> changeDirection East
SDL.KeycodeComma -> setReversed (motion == SDL.Pressed)
_ -> pure ()
SDL.QuitEvent -> modify (run .~ False)
_ -> pure ()
frameNumber %= (+) 1
whenM (gets @GameState (\s -> s.frameNumber `rem` 60 == 0)) step
-- getFreeSpaces >>= liftIO . print
render renderer texture
gets @GameState (\s -> s.run)