{{/* Template Attributes: * ContainerId: id attribute for the container element * ContainerClasses: additional classes for the container element * MarkdownPreviewUrl: preview url for the preview tab * MarkdownPreviewMode: the preview mode. possible values are markdown, comment, gfm and file. default is comment. * MarkdownPreviewContext: preview context for the preview tab * TextareaName: name attribute for the textarea * TextareaContent: content for the textarea * TextareaPlaceholder: placeholder attribute for the textarea * TextareaAriaLabel: aria-label attribute for the textarea * TextareaMaxLength: maxlength attribute for the textarea * DropzoneParentContainer: container for file upload (leave it empty if no upload) * DisableAutosize: whether to disable automatic height resizing * EasyMDE: whether to display button for switching to legacy editor * HideRepoButtons: hide buttons that belong to repos (issue references) */}}