magic_rb c234160635
Border router, hela
Signed-off-by: magic_rb <>
2024-09-04 22:39:43 +02:00

226 lines
5.6 KiB

}: {
services.ifstate.settings.namespaces.hel = {
routing.routes = [
to = "";
via = "";
dev = "dmz";
interfaces = [
name = "dmz";
link = {
kind = "veth";
peer = "hel";
peer_netns = "dmz";
state = "up";
addresses = [
name = "lan";
link = {
kind = "bridge";
state = "up";
addresses = [
name = "hela";
link = {
kind = "veth";
master = "lan";
peer = "hel";
peer_netns = null;
state = "up";
name = "lan0";
link = {
kind = "dsa";
address = config.bananapi.ethaddr.lan0.colon;
master = "lan";
link = "sw";
link_netns = null;
state = "up";
name = "lan1";
link = {
kind = "dsa";
address = config.bananapi.ethaddr.lan1.colon;
link = "sw";
link_netns = null;
master = "lan";
state = "up";
networking.notnft.namespaces.hel.rules =
# ---
with notnft.dsl;
with payload;
# ---
ruleset {
filter = add table {family = f: f.inet;} {
input =
add chain {
type = f: f.filter;
hook = f: f.input;
prio = -300;
policy = f: f.drop;
[(is.eq ip.saddr (set [(cidr "")])) (is.eq ip.daddr "") (is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.icmp)) accept]
# accept related, established and drop invalid
(vmap ct.state {
established = accept;
related = accept;
invalid = drop;
[(is.eq meta.iifname "lo") accept]
(log {
prefix = "[drop] hel.input: ";
queue-threshold = 1;
group = 2;
output = add chain {
type = f: f.filter;
hook = f: f.output;
prio = -300;
policy = f: f.accept;
forward =
add chain {
type = f: f.filter;
hook = f: f.forward;
prio = -300;
policy = f: f.drop;
# accept related, established and drop invalid
(vmap ct.state {
established = accept;
related = accept;
invalid = drop;
# accept port forwarding from `dmz` to `lan`
(is.eq meta.iifname "dmz")
(is.eq meta.oifname "lan")
(is."in" ct.status "dnat")
# allow forwarding traffic for the internet
(is.eq ip.saddr (cidr "" 19))
( ip.daddr (set [
(cidr "" 8)
(cidr "" 12)
(cidr "" 16)
(is.eq meta.iifname "lan")
(is.eq meta.oifname "dmz")
# allow forwarding icmp pings to local above this one
(is.eq ip.daddr (cidr ""))
(is.eq meta.iifname "lan")
(is.eq meta.oifname "dmz")
(is.eq ip.protocol (f: f.icmp))
(is.eq icmp.type (f: f.echo-request))
(log {
prefix = "[drop] hel.forward: ";
queue-threshold = 1;
group = 2;
prerouting =
add chain {
type = f: f.nat;
hook = f: f.prerouting;
prio = -100;
policy = f: f.accept;
(is.eq ip.daddr "")
(is.eq tcp.dport "22")
(dnat {
addr = "";
port = "22";
postrouting =
add chain {
type = f: f.nat;
hook = f: f.postrouting;
prio = -100;
policy = f: f.accept;
(is.eq meta.oifname "dmz")
}; = {
description = "Ulogd Daemon";
wantedBy = [""];
wants = [""];
before = [""];
after = ["ifstate.service"];
serviceConfig = let
settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.ini {listsAsDuplicateKeys = true;};
settingsFile = settingsFormat.generate "ulogd.conf" {
# This one for logging to local file in emulated syslog format.
global.stack = "log2:NFLOG,base1:BASE,ifi1:IFINDEX,ip2str1:IP2STR,print1:PRINTPKT,emu1:LOGEMU"; = 2;
emu1 = {
file = "/var/log/nft_hel_drop.log";
sync = 1;
in {
NetworkNamespacePath = "/var/run/netns/hel";
ExecStart = "${pkgs.ulogd}/bin/ulogd -c ${settingsFile} --verbose --loglevel ${
toString 5
ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID";