{ config, pkgs, lib, inputs', ... }: let k3s = pkgs.runCommandNoCC pkgs.k3s_1_29.name {} '' cp --no-preserve=mode,ownership -r ${pkgs.k3s_1_29} $out rm $out/bin/{crictl,ctr} chmod +x $out/bin/* ''; inherit (lib) singleton concatStringsSep getExe' mkForce ; k3sFormat = pkgs.formats.json {}; k3sConfigDir = "/run/secrets/k3s.d"; k3sConfig = k3sFormat.generate "k3s-config.json" { disable = [ "traefik" "servicelb" ]; cluster-cidr = ""; service-cidr = ""; flannel-iface = "eno1"; container-runtime-endpoint = "unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"; flannel-backend = "vxlan"; # disable-network-policy = true; node-ip = ""; node-external-ip = ""; }; k3s-pgpassPath = "${k3sConfigDir}/pgpass.yaml"; cilium-cni = pkgs.callPackage ( { lib, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub, installShellFiles, }: buildGoModule rec { pname = "cilium-cni"; version = "1.15.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "cilium"; repo = "cilium"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-RFuSaBiobN9V7u1EEWGoMl/g9iKu/yAJana6wUSQ/+I="; }; vendorHash = null; subPackages = ["plugins/cilium-cni"]; ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" # "-X github.com/cilium/cilium-cli/cli.Version=${version}" ]; # Required to workaround install check error: # 2022/06/25 10:36:22 Unable to start gops: mkdir /homeless-shelter: permission denied HOME = "$TMPDIR"; # doInstallCheck = true; # installCheckPhase = '' # $out/bin/cilium version | grep ${version} > /dev/null # ''; # nativeBuildInputs = [installShellFiles]; # postInstall = '' # installShellCompletion --cmd cilium \ # --bash <($out/bin/cilium completion bash) \ # --fish <($out/bin/cilium completion fish) \ # --zsh <($out/bin/cilium completion zsh) # ''; meta = with lib; { description = "CLI to install, manage & troubleshoot Kubernetes clusters running Cilium"; license = licenses.asl20; homepage = "https://www.cilium.io/"; maintainers = with maintainers; [humancalico bryanasdev000 qjoly]; mainProgram = "cilium"; }; } ) {}; in { environment.systemPackages = [k3s]; systemd.services."k3s-secrets" = { requiredBy = ["k3s.service"]; before = ["k3s.service"]; restartIfChanged = true; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; script = '' mkdir -p ${k3sConfigDir} touch ${k3s-pgpassPath} chmod 400 ${k3s-pgpassPath} chown root:root ${k3s-pgpassPath} cat < ${k3s-pgpassPath} datastore-endpoint: postgres://k3s:$(cat /mnt/kyle/infrastructure/k3s/postgresql/pgpass)@${config.containers.k3s-psql.localAddress}:5432/k3s EOF ln -sf ${k3sConfig} ${k3sConfigDir}/main.yaml ''; }; systemd.services."k3s-pre-setup" = { requiredBy = ["k3s.service"]; before = ["k3s.service"]; restartIfChanged = true; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; script = let k3sCniDir = "/var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/cni/net.d"; in '' mkdir -p /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/cni /etc/cni/net.d [ -e ${k3sCniDir} ] && ! [ -L ${k3sCniDir} ] && rm -r ${k3sCniDir} ! [ -L ${k3sCniDir} ] && ln -sf /etc/cni/net.d /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/etc/cni exit 0 ''; }; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "D /run/cilium/cni 600 root root 0 -" ]; systemd.services."k3s-setup" = { wantedBy = ["k3s.service"]; after = ["k3s.service"]; restartIfChanged = true; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; script = let sanitizedRevision = lib.stringAsChars (c: {"." = "-";}.${c} or c) pkgs.istioctl.src.rev; istio-base = pkgs.callPackage kubernetes/templateHelmChart.nix {} { helmChart = pkgs.istioctl.src + "/manifests/charts/base"; name = "istio-base"; namespace = "istio-system"; values = { defaultRevision = sanitizedRevision; }; }; istio-istiod = pkgs.callPackage kubernetes/templateHelmChart.nix {} { helmChart = pkgs.istioctl.src + "/manifests/charts/istio-control/istio-discovery"; name = "istio-istiod"; namespace = "istio-system"; values = { revision = sanitizedRevision; }; }; istio-gateway = pkgs.callPackage kubernetes/templateHelmChart.nix {} { helmChart = pkgs.istioctl.src + "/manifests/charts/gateway"; name = "istio-gateway"; namespace = "istio-system"; values = { revision = sanitizedRevision; }; }; istio-ingressgateway = pkgs.callPackage kubernetes/templateHelmChart.nix {} { helmChart = pkgs.istioctl.src + "/manifests/charts/gateways/istio-ingress"; name = "istio-ingress"; namespace = "istio-ingress"; values = { revision = sanitizedRevision; }; }; kubectl = getExe' k3s "kubectl"; in '' # if ! ${kubectl} get namespace istio-system ; then # ${kubectl} create namespace istio-system # fi ${kubectl} apply -f ${istio-base} ${kubectl} apply -f ${istio-istiod} ${kubectl} apply -f ${istio-gateway} ${kubectl} apply -f ${istio-ingressgateway} ${kubectl} apply -f ${./kubernetes/test-website.yaml} ''; }; systemd.services."container@k3s-psql".environment.SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL = "debug"; systemd.services."container@k3s-psql".script = lib.mkBefore '' if [ -z $OVERWRITTEN ] ; then _tmp=$(mktemp) cp $0 $_tmp sed -i -e 's/--notify-ready=yes/--notify-ready=no/' \ -e 's/--kill-signal=SIGRTMIN+3/--kill-signal=SIGHUP/' \ $_tmp export OVERWRITTEN="$_tmp" chmod +x $_tmp exec -a $0 $_tmp fi rm "$OVERWRITTEN" unset OVERWRITTEN ''; containers.k3s-psql = { ephemeral = true; autoStart = true; privateNetwork = true; localAddress = ""; hostAddress = ""; bindMounts = { "/var/lib/postgresql" = { hostPath = "/mnt/kyle/infrastructure/k3s/postgresql"; isReadOnly = false; }; }; path = (inputs'.nixng.nglib.makeSystem { inherit (pkgs.stdenv) system; name = "k3s-psql"; inherit (inputs') nixpkgs; config = {config, ...}: { dumb-init = { enable = true; type.services = {}; }; init.services.sdnotify = { enabled = true; shutdownOnExit = false; script = pkgs.writeShellScript "notify-ready" '' NOTIFY_SOCKET=/run/host/notify ${getExe' pkgs.sdnotify-wrapper "sdnotify-wrapper"} sh -c 'echo ; sleep infinity' ''; }; init.services.postgresql-secrets = { enabled = true; shutdownOnExit = false; script = pkgs.writeShellScript "" '' mkdir -p /secrets cat < /secrets/init.sql alter user "k3s" with password '$(cat /var/lib/postgresql/pgpass)'; alter database "k3s" owner to "k3s"; EOF exec sleep infinity ''; }; init.services.postgresql = { dependencies = [ "postgresql-secrets" ]; }; services.postgresql = { enable = true; package = pkgs.postgresql_16; enableTCPIP = true; authentication = "host all all all md5"; initialScript = "/secrets/init.sql"; ensureDatabases = { "k3s" = { ENCODING = "UTF8"; TEMPLATE = "template0"; }; }; ensureExtensions = {}; ensureUsers = [ { name = "k3s"; ensurePermissions."DATABASE \"k3s\"" = "ALL PRIVILEGES"; } ]; }; }; }) .config .system .build .toplevel; }; systemd.services.containerd.path = with pkgs; [ iptables-nftables-compat ]; systemd.services.k3s.path = with pkgs; [ iptables-nftables-compat ]; virtualisation.containerd = { enable = true; settings = { plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".containerd.snapshotter = mkForce "overlayfs"; plugins."io.containerd.grpc.v1.cri".cni.bin_dir = mkForce ((pkgs.symlinkJoin { name = "cni-containerd-plugins"; paths = with pkgs; [ cni-plugins cni-plugin-flannel ]; postBuild = "echo links added"; }) + "/bin"); }; }; services = { k3s = { package = k3s; enable = true; role = "server"; serverAddr = ""; extraFlags = concatStringsSep " " [ "--config /run/secrets/k3s" "--debug" ]; }; }; }