inputs: final: prev: let hunspellWithDicts = prev.callPackage ./hunspell-with-dicts.nix { dicts = with prev.hunspellDicts; [ en_US ]; }; nixpkgs-unstable = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable { system = prev.stdenv.system; }; in { magic_rb = prev.magic_rb or {} // { emacs = prev.callPackage ./emacs-bundle.nix rec { emacsOverlay = inputs.emacs-overlay.overlay prev prev; emacsSrc = inputs.emacs; vtermModule = inputs.vtermModule; emacsPackages = with nixpkgs-unstable; [ nodePackages.pyright python38Full rust-analyzer hunspellWithDicts w3m sqlite gcc ghostscript imagemagick (texlive.combine { inherit (texlive) dvisvgm scheme-small preview siunitx amsmath ulem dvipng wrapfig cancel capt-of bytefield chemfig simplekv; }) # gensymb is not here, dont add texlab (rWrapper.override { packages = []; }) gnumake ccls ] ++ [ rnix-lsp ] ++ [ ghc stack (inputs.easy-hls-nix.defaultPackage."${prev.stdenv.system}") cabal-install ] ++ (with prev.nodePackages; [ typescript-language-server typescript vscode-html-languageserver-bin vscode-css-languageserver-bin ]); }; }; }