{ inputs', pkgs, lib, ... }: let mods = [ { id = "463939057"; name = "ACE"; } { id = "2867537125"; name = "Antistasi"; } { id = "450814997"; name = "CBA_A3"; } { id = "843425103"; name = "RHSAFRF"; } { id = "843593391"; name = "RHSGREF"; } { id = "843632231"; name = "RHSSAF"; } { id = "843577117"; name = "RHSUSAF"; } ]; inherit (lib) getExe getExe' concatMapStringsSep ; in { ucontainers."arma3" = { network = [ { hostAddress = ""; guestAddress = ""; hostInterface = "arma3"; guestInterface = "eth0"; } ]; settings = { ephemeral = true; bind = [ "/etc/resolv.conf" "/var/lib/arma3/steam_library:/home/steam/Steam" "/var/lib/arma3/steam:/home/steam/.local/share/Steam" "/var/lib/arma3/game:/var/lib/game" "/tmp/arma-secret/:/secret" ]; }; path = (inputs'.nixng.nglib.makeSystem { inherit (pkgs.stdenv) system; inherit (inputs') nixpkgs; name = "arma3"; config = { dumb-init = { enable = true; type.services = {}; }; nixpkgs.pkgs = pkgs; init.services.network = { enabled = true; script = pkgs.writeShellScript "network-start" '' ip addr add "" dev "eth0" ip link set "eth0" up ip route add "" dev "eth0" ip route add default via "" dev "eth0" touch /etc/hosts exec sleep infinity ''; }; users.users."steam" = { uid = 1001; home = "/home/steam"; group = "steam"; }; users.groups."steam" = { gid = 1001; }; ## Steam doesn't allow me to download the mods as that account doesn't own Arma 3... # ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (mod: '' # HOME=/home/steam USER=steam chpst -U steam:steam -u steam:steam ${getExe' pkgs.steamcmd "steamcmd"} \ # +login "$(cat /secret/user | tr -d '\n ')" "$(cat /secret/password | tr -d '\n ')" \ # +"workshop_download_item 107410 ${mod.id}" validate \ # +quit # ln -sf /home/steam/Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/107410/${mod.id} /var/lib/game/mods/@${mod.name} # '') # mods} init.services.steam-login = { enabled = true; script = pkgs.writeShellScript "steam-login-start" '' set -e -o pipefail mkdir -p /home/steam chown steam:steam -R /home/steam chown steam:steam -R /var/lib/game HOME=/home/steam USER=steam chpst -U steam:steam -u steam:steam ${getExe' pkgs.steamcmd "steamcmd"} \ +force_install_dir /var/lib/game \ +login "$(cat /secret/user | tr -d '\n ')" "$(cat /secret/password | tr -d '\n ')" \ +app_update 233780 validate \ +quit ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" ( mod: '' ln -sf /var/lib/game/mods/${mod.id} /var/lib/game/mods/@${mod.name} '' ) mods} sv start arma3 exec sleep infinity ''; }; init.services.arma3 = { dependencies = [ "steam-login" ]; enabled = false; script = pkgs.writeShellScript "arma3-start" '' cd /var/lib/game PATH=${pkgs.coreutils}/bin:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${pkgs.stdenv.cc.cc.lib}/lib:$PWD exec \ chpst -u steam:steam \ ${getExe' pkgs.glibc "ld.so"} ./arma3server_x64 \ -config=./server.cfg \ ${concatMapStringsSep " \\\n" ( mod: "-mod=./mods/${mod.id}" ) mods} ''; }; }; }) .config .system .build .toplevel; }; }