{ fetchFromGitHub, runCommandNoCC, kubernetes-helm, formats, lib, }: let inherit (lib) getExe' ; ciliumSrc = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "cilium"; repo = "cilium"; rev = "v1.15.0"; hash = "sha256-xJFwBCnJemskm42/J4JNYrMO47REUYfc51bTJqckA7g="; } + "/install/kubernetes/cilium"; extractHelmChart = helmChart: values: name: attrs: runCommandNoCC (name + ".yaml") attrs '' ${getExe' kubernetes-helm "helm"} template --namespace kube-system -f ${(formats.json {}).generate "values.yaml" values} ${ciliumSrc} | sed 's~path: /lib/modules~path: /run/booted-system/kernel-modules~'> $out ''; in extractHelmChart ciliumSrc { kubeProxyReplacement = true; operator.replicas = 1; containerRuntime.integration = "containerd"; # needed to install cni securityContext.privileged = true; cni.install = true; cni.binPath = "/run/cilium/cni"; # helps the tests hubble.relay.enabled = "true"; hubble.ui.enabled = "true"; # seems to pass the tests, this is needed, the nginx one doesn't cut it ingressController.enabled = true; ingressController.loadbalancerMode = "shared"; # https://github.com/cilium/cilium/issues/28837 localRedirectPolicy = "true"; bpf.masquerade = "true"; envoy.enabled = "true"; ipam = { mode = "cluster-pool"; operator = { clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList = [""]; clusterPoolIPv4MaskSize = 22; }; }; } "cilium" {}