{ pkgs, ... }: with pkgs.lib; { instances = mkOption { default = {}; description = "Moonraker instances"; type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule { options = { package = mkOption { default = pkgs.moonraker; type = types.package; description = '' moonraker package ''; }; config = mkOption { default = {}; type = types.submodule { options = { server = mkOption { default = {}; type = types.submodule { options = { host = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.str; description = '' The host address in which to bind the HTTP server. ''; }; port = mkOption { default = 7125; type = types.int; description = '' The port the HTTP server will listen on. ''; }; klippyUdsAddress = mkOption { default = "/tmp/klippy_uds"; type = types.str; description = '' The address of Unix Domain Socket used to communicate with Klippy. ''; }; maxUploadSize = mkOption { default = 200; type = types.int; description = '' The maximum size allowed for a file upload. Default is 200 MiB. ''; }; enableDebugLogging = mkOption { default = true; type = types.bool; description = '' When set to True Moonraker will log in verbose mode. ''; }; configPath = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.str; description = '' The path to a directory where configuration files are located. ''; }; }; }; }; authorization = mkOption { default = {}; type = types.submodule { options = { enabled = mkOption { default = true; type = types.bool; description = '' Enables authorization. ''; }; apiKeyFile = mkOption { default = "/tmp/.moonraker_api_key"; type = types.str; description = '' Path of the file that stores Moonraker's API key. ''; }; trustedClients = mkOption { default = []; type = types.listOf types.str; description = '' A list of newline separated ip addresses and/or ip ranges that are trusted. ''; }; corsDomains = mkOption { default = []; type = types.listOf types.str; description = '' Enables CORS for the specified domains. ''; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; logFile = mkOption { default = "/tmp/moonraker.log"; type = types.str; description = '' moonraker log file ''; }; }; }); }; user = mkOption { default = "moonraker"; type = types.str; description = '' moonraker user ''; }; uid = mkOption { default = 5688; type = types.int; description = '' moonraker user id ''; }; group = mkOption { default = "moonraker"; type = types.str; description = '' moonraker group ''; }; gid = mkOption { default = 5688; type = types.int; description = '' moonraker group id ''; }; extraGroups = mkOption { default = [ "klippy" ]; type = types.listOf types.str; description = '' extra groups for moonraker user ''; }; createUser = mkOption { default = true; type = types.bool; description = '' create user ''; }; createGroup = mkOption { default = true; type = types.bool; description = '' create group ''; }; }