# copied straight from https://github.com/hercules-ci/flake-parts/blob/main/modules/nixosConfigurations.nix { lib, flake-parts-lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkOption types literalExpression ; inherit (flake-parts-lib) mkSubmoduleOptions ; in { options = { flake = mkSubmoduleOptions { nixngConfigurations = mkOption { type = types.lazyAttrsOf types.raw; default = { }; description = '' Instantiated NixNG configurations. `nixngConfigurations` is for specific machines. If you want to expose reusable configurations, add them to [`nixosModules`](#opt-flake.nixosModules) in the form of modules (no `lib.nixosSystem`), so that you can reference them in this or another flake's `nixngConfigurations`. ''; }; }; }; }