:PROPERTIES: :ID: 45da0115-42c7-4a9a-9288-c5d840a69b92 :END: #+title: Popper #+filetags: emacs-load Enable ~popper~, a better version of ~popwin~, which might actually work. It groups popups by context and allows you to specify their exact positioning, or even a custom display function. It also seems to be better at restoring the previous layout. #+NAME: popper #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (use-package popper :straight (popper :type git :host github :repo "karthink/popper") :init (setq popper-reference-buffers '("\\*Messages\\*" "\\*Warnings\\*" "Output\\*$" help-mode compilation-mode rustic-compilation-mode tex-shell)) (popper-mode +1)) #+END_SRC