# -*- eval: (add-hook 'after-save-hook (lambda () (org-md-export-to-markdown nil)) nil t)-*- #+OPTIONS: toc:nil ^:{} #+TITLE: magic_rb's dotfiles This repo contains my dotfiles, you'll find the NixOS configurations for all my machines that are running NixOS and home-manager configs for those that are not. Next you'll find my Emacs configuration and the Hashicorp stack. Lastly there are a few random thingies that aren't big enough to mention, but still cool if you're interested in them. * Structure - [[file:nixos][nixos/]] - configuration files related to [[https://nixos.org/][NixOS]] itself + [[file:nixos/hardware][hardware/]] - configuration files specific to the hardware of my physical machines + [[file:nixos/modules/][modules/]] - reusable [[https://nixos.org/][NixOS]] modules of varying quality + [[file:nixos/profiles][profiles/]] - machine profiles, like ~vps~ or ~workstation~, they apply settings to a group of machines + [[file:nixos/secret-lib][secret-lib/]] - a library bridging the gap between my public and public configuration + [[file:nixos/systems][systems/]] - the actual system configurations - [[file:nix][nix/]] - legacy junk I need to clean up - [[file:home-manager][home-manager/]] - configration files related to [[https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager][home-manager]] + [[file:home-manager/modules][modules/]] - reusable [[https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager][home-manager]] modules of varying quality - [[file:modules][modules/]] - [[https://github.com/hercules-ci/flake-parts][flake-parts]] modules that drive this flake - [[file:overlays][overlays/]] - [[https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs][nixpkgs]] overlays, some are just imports and slight modifications of externals overlays - [[file:org][org/]] - once again legacy junk I need to clean up - [[file:secret][secret/]] - submodule containing the secret parts of my dotfiles - [[file:terraform][terraform/]] - the [[https://www.terraform.io/][Terraform]] configuration driving the mostly [[https://www.hashicorp.com/][HashiCorp]] infrastructure in my configuration * License This project follows [[https://reuse.software/][REUSE]] so all files have their own specific license. But as of writing this, the only license in use is ~LGPLv3.0~. The project root contains a [[file:COPYING][COPYING]] and [[file:COPYING.LESSER][COPYING.LESSER]] as required for the proper use of the LGPL license.