[stepper_x] step_pin: P2.2 dir_pin: !P2.6 enable_pin: !P2.1 step_distance: .0125 #step_distance: .025 endstop_pin: P1.29 # P1.28 for X-max position_endstop: 0 position_max: 235 homing_speed: 50 [stepper_y] step_pin: P0.19 dir_pin: !P0.20 enable_pin: !P2.8 step_distance: .0125 #step_distance: .025 endstop_pin: P1.27 # P1.26 for Y-max position_endstop: 0 position_max: 235 homing_speed: 50 [stepper_z] step_pin: P0.22 dir_pin: P2.11 enable_pin: !P0.21 step_distance: .0025 #step_distance: .005 endstop_pin: P1.25 # P1.24 for Z-max position_endstop: 0.7 position_max: 250 [extruder] step_pin: P2.13 dir_pin: !P0.11 enable_pin: !P2.12 #step_distance: .010526 step_distance: .006973475006276127 #step_distance: .013946950012552254 nozzle_diameter: 0.400 filament_diameter: 1.750 heater_pin: P2.7 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: P0.24 control: pid pid_Kp: 22.2 pid_Ki: 1.08 pid_Kd: 114 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 260 #pressure_advance: 0.50 [bed_screws] screw1: 30,35 screw2: 200,35 screw3: 200,205 screw4: 30,205 [heater_fan my_nozzle_fan] pin: P2.4 heater: extruder heater_temp: 50.0 fan_speed: 1.0 #[extruder1] #step_pin: P0.1 #dir_pin: P0.0 #enable_pin: !P0.10 #heater_pin: P2.4 #sensor_pin: P0.25 #... [heater_bed] heater_pin: P2.5 sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2 sensor_pin: P0.23 control: watermark min_temp: 0 max_temp: 70 [fan] pin: P2.3 [mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_lpc1768_13E0FF0C469027AEBAA84A52871E00F5-if00 [printer] kinematics: cartesian max_velocity: 200 max_accel: 2000 max_z_velocity: 25 max_z_accel: 100 [virtual_sdcard] path: /root/gcode ### Mainsail [pause_resume] [display_status] ######################################## # TMC2208 configuration ######################################## # For TMC2208 UART # 1) Remove all of the jumpers below the stepper drivers # 2) Place jumpers on the red pin headers labeled XUART (XUART, YUART etc.) [tmc2208 stepper_x] uart_pin: P1.17 microsteps: 16 run_current: 0.475 hold_current: 0.275 stealthchop_threshold: 250 [tmc2208 stepper_y] uart_pin: P1.15 microsteps: 16 run_current: 0.475 hold_current: 0.275 stealthchop_threshold: 250 [tmc2208 stepper_z] uart_pin: P1.10 microsteps: 16 run_current: 0.475 hold_current: 0.275 stealthchop_threshold: 30 [tmc2208 extruder] uart_pin: P1.8 microsteps: 16 run_current: 0.560 hold_current: 0.360 stealthchop_threshold: 5 #[endstop_phase] #[tmc2208 extruder1] #uart_pin: P1.1 #microsteps: 16 #run_current: 0.800 #hold_current: 0.500 #stealthchop_threshold: 5 [board_pins] aliases: # EXP1 header EXP1_1=P1.30, EXP1_3=P1.18, EXP1_5=P1.20, EXP1_7=P1.22, EXP1_9=, EXP1_2=P0.28, EXP1_4=P1.19, EXP1_6=P1.21, EXP1_8=P1.23, EXP1_10=<5V>, # EXP2 header EXP2_1=P0.17, EXP2_3=P3.26, EXP2_5=P3.25, EXP2_7=P1.31, EXP2_9=, EXP2_2=P0.15, EXP2_4=P0.16, EXP2_6=P0.18, EXP2_8=, EXP2_10= # Pins EXP2_1, EXP2_6, EXP2_2 are also MISO, MOSI, SCK of bus "ssp0" [display] lcd_type: st7920 cs_pin: EXP1_7 sclk_pin: EXP1_6 sid_pin: EXP1_8 encoder_pins: ^EXP1_5, ^EXP1_3 click_pin: ^!EXP1_2 #[include macros.cfg] #[endstop_phase stepper_z] #endstop_phase = 29 #[endstop_phase stepper_y] #endstop_phase = 57 #[endstop_phase stepper_x] #endstop_phase = 3