#!/usr/bin/env bash # If not running interactively, don't do anything [[ $- != *i* ]] && return [[ $DISPLAY ]] && shopt -s checkwinsize [ -r /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ] && . /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion ## Enable color on ls and grep alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias grep='grep --color=auto' ## Add .local/bin to path #export PATH="${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}" if [[ -d "${HOME}/.cargo/bin" ]]; then export PATH="${HOME}/.cargo/bin:${PATH}" fi if [[ -d "${HOME}/.yarn/bin" ]]; then export PATH="${HOME}/.yarn/bin:${PATH}" fi vterm_printf(){ if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then # Tell tmux to pass the escape sequences through # (Source: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.terminal-emulators.tmux.user/1324) printf "\ePtmux;\e\e]%s\007\e\\" "$1" elif [ "${TERM%%-*}" = "screen" ]; then # GNU screen (screen, screen-256color, screen-256color-bce) printf "\eP\e]%s\007\e\\" "$1" else printf "\e]%s\e\\" "$1" fi } vterm_prompt_end(){ vterm_printf "\u@\[\e[37m\]\h\[\e[m\]:\[\e[32m\]\w\[\e[m\]\[\e[31m\]\\$\[\e[m\] " } PS1=$PS1'\[$(vterm_prompt_end)\]' alias E="SUDO_EDITOR=\"emacsclient -a emacs\" sudoedit" alias e="emacsclient" #if [[ -d "/mnt/data3/Programs/bin" ]]; then # export PATH="/mnt/data3/Programs/bin:${PATH}" #fi ## Set prompt export PS1="\u@\[\e[37m\]\h\[\e[m\]:\[\e[32m\]\w\[\e[m\]\[\e[31m\]\\$\[\e[m\] " export EDITOR="emacsclient" export BROWSER="firefox-nightly"