:PROPERTIES: :ID: 22a6cb0e-5466-4edf-b0da-a8b76d879cf9 :END: #+title: Keybindings #+filetags: emacs-load This file contains all keybindings of my Emacs configuration. I chose to put them all into one file for easy reference and also cross package consistency is easier to ensure when you have everything on one screen. We need to define a little predicate thing, which allows us to toggle on and off all the modifications we make on a global emacs wide basis. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defvar magic_rb-koy-compat-p t "Whether k-o-y layout compatibility should be active.") #+end_src In general, we bind special, custom keybindings to the ~•~ prefix key, it's KOY specific, but it works. * Evil Mode These are the keybinding related to [[id:f941f57a-d3fc-4b4b-ac85-2ff69ef942e5][evil mode]], they're split into the *primary* group and into any package-compatibility keybindings. ** Primary First we need to define a new minor mode, that we can toggle, to disable the edits we make when necessary. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (define-minor-mode magic_rb-koy-evil-mode "Enable koy compatibility for Evil." :lighter " koy" :keymap (make-sparse-keymap) (evil-normalize-keymaps)) #+end_src Then we hook our minor mode on ~evil-mode-hook~ and ~evil-local-mode-hook~, but only after ~evil-mode~ is loaded. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (with-eval-after-load 'evil (add-hook 'evil-mode-hook 'magic_rb-koy-evil-mode) (add-hook 'evil-local-mode-hook 'magic_rb-koy-evil-mode)) #+end_src *** Quick access leader This is a quick access leader which opens menu's and things. It may be worth moving out the window movements. I'm still debating whether ~SPC~ is the best leader, it has some issuas. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (general-def :prefix "SPC" :states '(normal motion visual) "" nil "t" 'evil-window-left "r" 'evil-window-up "n" 'evil-window-down "s" 'evil-window-right "T" 'evil-window-left "R" 'evil-window-up "N" 'evil-window-down "S" 'evil-window-right "Y" 'treemacs "y" 'treemacs-select-window "a" 'treemacs-switch-workspace "A" 'treemacs-edit-workspaces "v" 'vterm "m" 'magit "h" 'org-agenda "i" 'org-roam-node-find "ä" 'org-roam-capture "," 'org-roam-buffer-toggle "o" 'lsp-execute-code-action) #+end_src *** Evil KOY fixups KOY requires some changes, mainly around making ~trns~ available as movement keys like ~hjkl~. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (general-def :states '(motion normal visual) :predicate 'magic_rb-koy-compat-p :keymaps 'magic_rb-koy-evil-mode-map "t" 'evil-backward-char "T" 'evil-first-non-blank "r" 'evil-previous-visual-line "n" 'evil-next-visual-line "s" 'evil-forward-char "S" 'evil-end-of-line "h" 'evil-find-char-to "H" 'evil-find-char-to-backward "j" 'evil-replace "J" 'evil-join "k" 'evil-search-next "K" 'evil-search-previous "l" 'evil-substitute "L" 'evil-change-whole-line) #+end_src In insert mode we want to be able to press ~jj~ in rapid succession to exit back into normal mode. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (general-def :states '(insert) :predicate 'magic_rb-koy-compat-p :keymaps 'magic_rb-koy-evil-mode-map "j" (general-key-dispatch 'self-insert-command :timeout 0.25 "j" 'evil-normal-state)) #+end_src * Quick Accessors #+begin_src emacs-lisp (define-minor-mode magic_rb-accessor-mode "Enable accessors." :lighter " accessors" :keymap (make-sparse-keymap) :global t (evil-normalize-keymaps)) (magic_rb-accessor-mode) (general-def :keymap 'magic_rb-accessor-mode-map :prefix "•" "" nil "•" '(insert "•")) #+end_src ** AVY [[id:e93571d6-ae50-4aca-8b2f-6ada70655be3][Avy]] is cool, it's a "I'm looking at where I wanna jump to, so jump there." kind of package. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (general-def :keymap 'magic_rb-accessor-mode-map :prefix "•" "z" 'avy-goto-char-timer) #+end_src ** Consult Consult has cool file switching utililties, like ~consult-ripgrep~. #+begin_src emacs-lisp (general-def :keymap 'magic_rb-accessor-mode-map :prefix "•" "r" 'consult-ripgrep "f" 'consult-find "l" 'consult-line) #+end_src #+RESULTS: