
49 lines
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final: prev:
magic_rb = prev.magic_rb or {} // {
gpg-key = final.writeSubstitutedShellScriptBin {
name = "gpg-key";
file = ./gpg-key;
substitutes = with prev; {
inherit cryptsetup busybox findutils gnupg sudo;
gpg-key-hs = with prev; writers.writeHaskellBin
{ libraries = [ haskellPackages.shh ]; }
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Shh
import System.Posix.User (getRealUserID)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
loadFromBins ["${findutils}", "${busybox}", "${cryptsetup}"]
main = do
userId <- getRealUserID
if userId /= 0 then do
putStrLn "You must run this script as root."
else do
cmdArgs <- getArgs
action = cmdArgs !! 0
case action of
"open" -> do
cryptsetup "open" "/dev/disk/by-label/secret" "secret"
mkdir "-p" "/mnt/key"
mount "/dev/mapper/secret" "/mnt/key"
"close" -> do
umount "/mnt/key"
cryptsetup "close" "secret"
rm "-r" "/mnt/key"
mntContains <- captureTrim <| find "/mnt" "-maxdepth" "0" "-empty"
when (show mntContains == "") (putStrLn "delete /mnt" -- rm "-r" "/mnt")
_ -> do
putStrLn "open - open key\nclose - close key"