mirror of
synced 2024-11-29 19:46:17 +01:00
508 lines
16 KiB
Org Mode
508 lines
16 KiB
Org Mode
#+PROPERTY: tangle "./config_bundle.ini"
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results none
(defun org-babel-execute:conf (body params)
"Return BODY with variables from PARAMS replaced by their values."
(let* ((vars (cl-loop for par in params
if (eq (car par) :var)
collect (cons (format "$%s" (cadr par)) (cddr par))))
(re (regexp-opt (mapcar #'car vars) 'words))
(pos 0))
(while (string-match re body pos)
(setq body (replace-match
(format "%s" (cdr (assoc-string (match-string 0 body) vars)))
nil nil
* Generic Print Profile
#+NAME: generic-print-profile
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes
allow_emptnamey_layers = 0
avoid_crossing_not_first_layer = 1
avoid_crossing_perimeters = 0
bottom_fill_pattern = rectilineargapfill
bottom_solid_layers = 7
bottom_solid_min_thickness = 0
bridge_acceleration = 1000
bridge_angle = 0
bridge_flow_ratio = 80%
bridge_overlap = 100%
bridge_speed = 20
bridged_infill_margin = 200%
brim_ears = 1
brim_ears_max_angle = 120
brim_ears_pattern = concentric
brim_inside_holes = 0
brim_offset = 0
brim_width = 0
brim_width_interior = 0
clip_multipart_objects = 1
compatible_printers =
compatible_printers_condition = printer_notes=~/.*creality.*/ and nozzle_diameter[0]==0.4
complete_objects = 0
complete_objects_one_skirt = 0
complete_objects_sort = object
curve_smoothing_angle_concave = 170
curve_smoothing_angle_convex = 170
curve_smoothing_cutoff_dist = 2
curve_smoothing_precision = 0
default_acceleration = 1000
dont_support_bridges = 1
draft_shield = 0
duplicate_distance = 6
enforce_full_fill_volume = 1
ensure_vertical_shell_thickness = 1
exact_last_layer_height = 0
external_infill_margin = 150%
external_perimeter_cut_corners = 0%
external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 105%
external_perimeter_overlap = 100%
external_perimeter_speed = 50%
external_perimeters_first = 0
external_perimeters_hole = 1
external_perimeters_nothole = 1
external_perimeters_vase = 0
extra_perimeters = 0
extra_perimeters_odd_layers = 0
extra_perimeters_overhangs = 0
extruder_clearance_height = 20
extruder_clearance_radius = 25
extrusion_width = 110%
fill_angle = 45
fill_angle_increment = 0
fill_density = 13%
fill_pattern = gyroid
fill_smooth_distribution = 10%
fill_smooth_width = 50%
fill_top_flow_ratio = 100%
first_layer_acceleration = 1000
first_layer_extrusion_width = 140%
first_layer_flow_ratio = 100%
first_layer_height = 0.24
first_layer_infill_speed = 30
first_layer_size_compensation = -0.05
first_layer_speed = 30
gap_fill = 1
gap_fill_min_area = 100%
gap_fill_overlap = 100%
gap_fill_speed = 40
gcode_comments = 0
gcode_label_objects = 1
hole_size_compensation = -0.03
hole_to_polyhole = 0
infill_acceleration = 1000
infill_connection = connected
infill_dense = 1
infill_dense_algo = autosmall
infill_every_layers = 1
infill_extruder = 1
infill_extrusion_width = 110%
infill_first = 0
infill_only_where_needed = 0
infill_overlap = 22%
infill_speed = 80
inherits =
interface_shells = 0
layer_height = 0.08
max_print_speed = 100
max_volumetric_speed = 0
milling_after_z = 200%
milling_extra_size = 150%
milling_post_process = 0
milling_speed = 30
min_skirt_length = 4
min_width_top_surface = 200%
model_precision = 0.0001
no_perimeter_unsupported_algo = none
notes =
only_one_perimeter_top = 1
only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters = 0
ooze_prevention = 0
output_filename_format = [input_filename_base].gcode
over_bridge_flow_ratio = 110%
overhangs_reverse = 0
overhangs_reverse_threshold = 250%
overhangs_width = 75%
overhangs_width_speed = 50%
perimeter_acceleration = 400
perimeter_bonding = 0%
perimeter_extruder = 1
perimeter_extrusion_width = 110%
perimeter_loop = 0
perimeter_loop_seam = rear
perimeter_overlap = 100%
perimeter_speed = 60
perimeters = 3
post_process =
print_extrusion_multiplier = 100%
print_retract_length = -1
print_settings_id =
print_temperature = 0
raft_layers = 0
resolution = 0
seam_position = hidden
seam_travel = 0
single_extruder_multi_material_priming = 0
skirt_distance = 6
skirt_extrusion_width = 0
skirt_height = 3
skirts = 0
slice_closing_radius = 0.049
small_perimeter_max_length = 20
small_perimeter_min_length = 6
small_perimeter_speed = 25
solid_fill_pattern = rectilineargapfill
solid_infill_below_area = 0
solid_infill_every_layers = 0
solid_infill_extruder = 1
solid_infill_extrusion_width = 110%
solid_infill_speed = 20
spiral_vase = 0
standby_temperature_delta = -5
support_material = 0
support_material_angle = 0
support_material_auto = 1
support_material_buildplate_only = 0
support_material_contact_distance_bottom = 0.15
support_material_contact_distance_top = 0.15
support_material_contact_distance_type = filament
support_material_enforce_layers = 0
support_material_extruder = 0
support_material_extrusion_width = 110%
support_material_interface_contact_loops = 0
support_material_interface_extruder = 0
support_material_interface_layers = 0
support_material_interface_pattern = rectilinear
support_material_interface_spacing = 0.15
support_material_interface_speed = 100%
support_material_pattern = rectilinear
support_material_solid_first_layer = 1
support_material_spacing = 1
support_material_speed = 50
support_material_synchronize_layers = 0
support_material_threshold = 45
support_material_with_sheath = 0
support_material_xy_spacing = 150%
thin_perimeters = 0
thin_perimeters_all = 0
thin_walls = 1
thin_walls_merge = 1
thin_walls_min_width = 50%
thin_walls_overlap = 50%
thin_walls_speed = 30
threads = 12
top_fill_pattern = smooth
top_infill_extrusion_width = 110%
top_solid_infill_speed = 40
top_solid_layers = 5
top_solid_min_thickness = 0
travel_speed = 180
wipe_tower = 1
wipe_tower_bridging = 10
wipe_tower_brim = 150%
wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers = 0
wipe_tower_rotation_angle = 0
wipe_tower_width = 60
wipe_tower_x = 180
wipe_tower_y = 140
xy_inner_size_compensation = 0
xy_size_compensation = 0
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
[print:RedENDER-3 0.08mm DETAIL 0.4 nozzle]
bottom_solid_layers = 7
top_solid_layers = 7
bridge_flow_ratio = 80%
layer_height = 0.08
perimeter_acceleration = 400
xy_size_compensation = 0
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
[print:RedENDER-3 0.16mm NORMAL 0.4 nozzle]
bottom_solid_layers = 5
top_solid_layers = 5
bridge_flow_ratio = 80%
layer_height = 0.16
perimeter_acceleration = 800
xy_size_compensation = 0
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
[print:RedENDER-3 0.24mm NORMAL 0.4 nozzle]
bottom_solid_layers = 4
top_solid_layers = 4
bridge_flow_ratio = 90%
layer_height = 0.24
perimeter_acceleration = 800
xy_size_compensation = 0
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
[print:RedENDER-3 0.32mm NORMAL 0.4 nozzle]
bottom_solid_layers = 3
top_solid_layers = 3
bridge_flow_ratio = 90%
layer_height = 0.32
perimeter_acceleration = 800
xy_size_compensation = 0
** Filaments
#+NAME: generic-filament
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle no
bed_temperature = 90
bridge_fan_speed = 30
chamber_temperature = 0
compatible_printers =
compatible_printers_condition = printer_notes=~/.*creality.*/
compatible_prints =
compatible_prints_condition =
cooling = 1
disable_fan_first_layers = 3
end_filament_gcode = "; Filament-specific end gcode"
external_perimeter_fan_speed = -1
extrusion_multiplier = 1
fan_always_on = 0
fan_below_layer_time = 20
filament_colour = #3A80CA
filament_cooling_final_speed = 3.4
filament_cooling_initial_speed = 2.2
filament_cooling_moves = 4
filament_cooling_zone_pause = 0
filament_cost = 20
filament_density = 1.04
filament_deretract_speed = nil
filament_diameter = 1.75
filament_dip_extraction_speed = 70
filament_dip_insertion_speed = 33
filament_enable_toolchange_part_fan = 0
filament_enable_toolchange_temp = 0
filament_load_time = 0
filament_loading_speed = 28
filament_loading_speed_start = 3
filament_max_speed = 0
filament_max_volumetric_speed = 11
filament_max_wipe_tower_speed = 0
filament_melt_zone_pause = 0
filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower = 15
filament_notes = ""
filament_ramming_parameters = "120 100 5.70968 6.03226 7 8.25806 9 9.19355 9.3871 9.77419 10.129 10.3226 10.4516 10.5161| 0.05 5.69677 0.45 6.15484 0.95 8.76774 1.45 9.20323 1.95 9.95806 2.45 10.3871 2.95 10.5677 3.45 7.6 3.95 7.6 4.45 7.6 4.95 7.6"
filament_retract_before_travel = nil
filament_retract_before_wipe = nil
filament_retract_layer_change = nil
filament_retract_length = nil
filament_retract_lift = nil
filament_retract_lift_above = nil
filament_retract_lift_below = nil
filament_retract_restart_extra = nil
filament_retract_speed = nil
filament_settings_id = ""
filament_shrink = 100%
filament_skinnydip_distance = 31
filament_soluble = 0
filament_toolchange_delay = 0
filament_toolchange_part_fan_speed = 50
filament_toolchange_temp = 200
filament_type = ABS
filament_unload_time = 0
filament_unloading_speed = 90
filament_unloading_speed_start = 100
filament_use_fast_skinnydip = 0
filament_use_skinnydip = 0
filament_vendor = (Unknown)
filament_wipe = nil
filament_wipe_advanced_pigment = 0.5
filament_wipe_extra_perimeter = nil
first_layer_bed_temperature = 100
first_layer_temperature = 238
inherits =
max_fan_speed = 0
max_speed_reduction = 90%
min_fan_speed = 0
min_print_speed = 15
slowdown_below_layer_time = 20
start_filament_gcode = "M900 K{if printer_notes=~/.*PRINTER_HAS_BOWDEN.*/}200{else}30{endif}; Filament gcode"
temperature = 245
top_fan_speed = -1
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
[filament:RedENDER-3 PLA]
bed_temperature = 60
bridge_fan_speed = 100
disable_fan_first_layers = 1
fan_always_on = 1
fan_below_layer_time = 100
filament_colour = #FF3232
filament_density = 1.24
filament_max_volumentric_speed = 14
filament_ramming_parameters = "120 100 6.6 6.8 7.2 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.7 9.4 9.9 10.0| 0.05 6.6 0.45 6.8 0.95 7.8 1.45 8.3 1.95 9.7 2.45 10 2.95 7.6 3.45 7.6 3.95 7.6 4.45 7.6 4.95 7.6"
filament_type = PLA
first_layer_bed_temperature = 50
first_layer_temperature = 200
max_fan_speed = 100
temperature = 190
top_fan_speed = 100
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
[filament:RedENDER-3 ABS]
bed_temperature = 70
bridge_fan_speed = 30
disable_fan_first_layers = 3
fan_always_on = 0
fan_below_layer_time = 20
filament_colour = #3A80CA
filament_density = 1.04
filament_max_volumentric_speed = 11
filament_ramming_parameters = "120 100 5.70968 6.03226 7 8.25806 9 9.19355 9.3871 9.77419 10.129 10.3226 10.4516 10.5161| 0.05 5.69677 0.45 6.15484 0.95 8.76774 1.45 9.20323 1.95 9.95806 2.45 10.3871 2.95 10.5677 3.45 7.6 3.95 7.6 4.45 7.6 4.95 7.6"
filament_type = ABS
first_layer_bed_temperature = 100
first_layer_temperature = 230
max_fan_speed = 0
temperature = 235
top_fan_speed = -1
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :noweb yes :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
[filament:RedENDER-3 PETG]
bed_temperature = 70
bridge_fan_speed = 100
disable_fan_first_layers = 3
fan_always_on = 1
fan_below_layer_time = 20
filament_colour = #FF8000
filament_density = 1.45
filament_max_volumentric_speed = 8
filament_ramming_parameters = "120 100 6.6 6.8 7.2 7.6 7.9 8.2 8.7 9.4 9.9 10.0| 0.05 6.6 0.45 6.8 0.95 7.8 1.45 8.3 1.95 9.7 2.45 10 2.95 7.6 3.45 7.6 3.95 7.6 4.45 7.6 4.95 7.6"
filament_type = PETG
first_layer_bed_temperature = 70
first_layer_temperature = 215
max_fan_speed = 40
temperature = 220
top_fan_speed = 20
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
[printer:RedENDER-3 0.4 nozzle]
bed_custom_model =
bed_custom_texture =
bed_shape = 0x0,232x0,232x232,0x232
before_layer_gcode = ;BEFORE_LAYER_CHANGE\n;[layer_z]\n\n
between_objects_gcode =
cooling_tube_length = 5
cooling_tube_retraction = 91.5
default_filament_profile = "Creality PLA"
default_print_profile = 0.16mm NORMAL 0.4 nozzle
deretract_speed = 40
end_gcode = END_PRINT
extra_loading_move = -2
extruder_colour = #FFFF00
extruder_fan_offset = 0%
extruder_offset = 0x0
extruder_temperature_offset = 0
fan_speedup_time = -1
feature_gcode =
gcode_flavor = marlin
high_current_on_filament_swap = 0
host_type = octoprint
inherits =
layer_gcode = ;AFTER_LAYER_CHANGE\n;[layer_z]
machine_max_acceleration_e = 5000
machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 500
machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 1000
machine_max_acceleration_travel = 1500,1250
machine_max_acceleration_x = 500
machine_max_acceleration_y = 500
machine_max_acceleration_z = 100
machine_max_feedrate_e = 60
machine_max_feedrate_x = 500
machine_max_feedrate_y = 500
machine_max_feedrate_z = 10
machine_max_jerk_e = 5
machine_max_jerk_x = 8
machine_max_jerk_y = 8
machine_max_jerk_z = 0.4
machine_min_extruding_rate = 0
machine_min_travel_rate = 0
max_layer_height = 0.32
max_print_height = 250
milling_diameter =
milling_toolchange_end_gcode =
milling_toolchange_start_gcode =
milling_z_lift =
min_layer_height = 0.04
min_length = 0.035
nozzle_diameter = 0.4
parking_pos_retraction = 92
print_host =
print_machine_envelope = 0
printer_model = ENDER-3
printer_notes = Fan-made creality ender-3 printer profile. Please send me a github issue if this profile need tweaking.\nPRINTER_HAS_BOWDEN
printer_settings_id =
printer_technology = FFF
printer_variant = 0.4
printer_vendor =
printhost_apikey =
printhost_cafile =
printhost_slug =
remaining_times = 0
retract_before_travel = 2
retract_before_wipe = 70%
retract_layer_change = 1
retract_length = 6
retract_length_toolchange = 1
retract_lift = 0
retract_lift_above = 0
retract_lift_below = 0
retract_lift_not_last_layer = 0
retract_restart_extra = 0
retract_restart_extra_toolchange = 0
retract_speed = 60
serial_port =
serial_speed = 250000
silent_mode = 0
single_extruder_multi_material = 0
start_gcode = START_PRINT
thumbnails = 0x0,0x0
thumbnails_color = #018aff
thumbnails_custom_color = 0
thumbnails_with_bed = 1
time_estimation_compensation = 100%
toolchange_gcode =
use_firmware_retraction = 0
use_relative_e_distances = 1
use_volumetric_e = 0
variable_layer_height = 1
wipe = 1
wipe_advanced = 0
wipe_advanced_algo = linear
wipe_advanced_multiplier = 60
wipe_advanced_nozzle_melted_volume = 120
wipe_extra_perimeter = 0
z_offset = 0
z_step = 0.005
#+BEGIN_SRC conf :tangle ./config_bundle.ini
print = RedENDER-3 0.32mm SPEED 0.4 nozzle
sla_print =
sla_material =
printer = RedENDER-3 0.4 nozzle
filament = RedENDER-3 ABS